Tuesday, November 27, 2012

First Post!


So I'm officially a freshman at Ohio University!  Never been more proud in my life.  To keep all my friends back home up to date on my life, I decided to start a blog.  I'll cover my day to day activities and throw in some of my crazy college stories.  Should be lots of fun! I plan on talking about some of my favorite music and movies and, of course, sharing all my favorite memes (Can I haz cheezeburger? lol!). I also want to post questions and polls with each post so that people can post comments and we can share our opinions on different topics (keep it civil, guys!)  I'll be sure to post something next week after classes have gotten started, but this is all I have for now.  So here's the first question.  Seeing as I'll be eating a LOT of this over the next few years, I thought I'd ask, creamy peanut butter, or crunchy? Strawberry jelly or grape? GO!

P.S. Anyone know how to edit the about me section on the side of my blog? I thought it'd be cool if I posted some of my favorite flicks and let everyone know a little bit more about me.  Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Have u bought a Lanyard yet?! OMG they make everything so much easier! U can put ur keys and ur cards or even like cool stickers, idk I just started lanyarding!
