Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My Resume

Hey ya'll.  So I'm thinking about applying to an internship this summer, and I was hoping you guys could give me some feedback on my resume! It's a competitive job market out there, my English Comp prof is always telling me, so I wanted to set myself apart from the competition.  I'm going to put in some cool graphics later, but for now, these are my qualifications....(both positive feedback and constructive criticism are welcome and encouraged)


Tanner's Freshman Year Blog (November 2012-Present)
-I run a popular blog site that helps people understand and adapt to the college lifestyle.  It has been called "hilarious," "insightful" and "laugh-out-loud funny."  One commenter said he "was in stiches from laughing so hard."  Another said he "wouldn't be able to survive freshman year without it.

The Evans Deli (2010-2012)
-Washed dishes for the Evans Deli and learned about hard work, leadership and communication skills.  Won the March Madness bracket challenge my first year working there.

Blake Brothers Lawn Mowing Service (2009-2011)
-Mowed various lawns and did tons of yard work all over Easter Cincinnati with my little brother Casey. Services also included weedwacking and the shoveling of driveways.

The Walsh Family (August 8th- August 22nd, 2008)
House Sitter
-Watched over the Walsh residence on 341 East Grove Street for two whole weeks.  Responsibilities included: ensuring efficient cleanliness of home,  overseeing feeding of pets and animals (including 11 fish, 2 hamsters and a cat), and maintaining a consistent yet cost-effective temperature throughout the household.

Mt. Belton High School German Club (2009-2012)
-Raised funds for German club and threw an end of the year party every single year with lots of food and games.


Speaks German
Microsoft Word
Can walk on my hands (sort of!)
Good communicator
Hard Worker

My email is  Please get back to me if you want to hire me.


What do you guys think?  Any suggestions?

Also, be sure to follow me on twitter @TannerBlakeOU and "like" my facebook page by going here and clicking the "like" button (looks like a thumbs up, which I think is appropriate!)

Question of the day: What is your dream job?

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