Monday, January 7, 2013

NFL Playoffs: Round 1

It's the most wonderful time of the year. No, I'm not talking about Christmas (That was two weeks ago). No, I'm not talking about the start of Spring Semester (Although it seems like everyone ELSE is talking about it, and they should be- OU 4 Lyfe!). I'm talking about the NFL Playoffs. Now first, I'd like to apologize for my lack of coverage in the final weeks of the season. I got some awesome feedback from my NFL Week 13 coverage, and I'd like to continue providing you with the pigskin scores throughout the playoffs. So without further adieu, here are the gridiron scores from the first round of the  national playoff tournament.

Vikings - 10
Green Bay - 24
          The frozen tundra melted because the pack attack was so HOT. The memory of Brett Farve lingers in  green bay, and the intimidation factor was too much for the viking onslaught. Stats: D. Moses with one fumble recovery and Jordy Nelson with 3 catches. Aaron Rodgers also threw a whopping 33 passes, but only 1 of them was a touchdown, making his touchdown percentage roughly 3%. He'll have to bring that up if he wants to beat the SF-49ers. They are arguably the hardest hitting team in the league today, and Aaron Rodgers isn't good against blitzers. Overall, this was a solid game.  Interceptions were thrown, sacks were made and field goals were kicked as the green machine kicked some viking butt!

Cincinnati - 13
Houston - 19
           This one was difficult to watch. The Bengals were in the Red Zone more than the end zone and it cost them in the end. Arian Foster was just too fast for the Bengal defense. His juke moves are probably what won them the game. M. Schaub also played hard and made 38 attempts.  Sometimes his passes were so quick that I lost sight of them, and I'm sure this was the case for other fans. Oh well, it was a great season for who dey nation, and I'm a Bengals fan for life. "I bleed orange and black" as my cousin Taylor always says when we watch the games. That's right. I've been watching the Bengals since I was jsut a kid, and I'm going to watch them until the day I die. No fair-weather fan here!

Colts - 9
Ravens - 24
          This could have been Ray Lewis's last game, but it wasn't because they won and will move on to the quarter finals. Speaking of Lewis he had 9 tackles - nice! If you look up intimidation in the dictionary, you'll probably find a picture of Ray LEwis. He's THAT good. You know who else is good? The other Ray- Ray "Lightning" Rice. Lightning is my nickname for Ray Rice because he's so fast that he looks like lightning on the gridiron. He had 15 carries for 70 yards! That's over 4 yards a carry for those of you counting at home. Talk about a pro-bowler, huh? Great game and some real dirty no-mercy football.

Seattle - 24
Washington - 14
          Upset city. RG3, where were you? My boy went down late in the game, making a comeback impossible for our first president's namesake. Despite this injury, there wasn't much bloodshed, as both teams showed outstanding sportsmanship and played by the old school rules. Most of the spirals were tight but a few of them got intercepted. You can't win a game with turnovers. You jsut can't do it. Just ask the 97 New Orleans Saints. Despite some great instant replays, this was probably the most boring game of the week. It still kicked butt, though. Every NFL game kicks butt, that's why they call it the NFL. If it didn't, they'd call it the MLS (soccer stinks!).  

Can you believe we're only weeks away from the Super Bowl championship? It seems like only yesterday we were watching the Giants hoist the trophies. Now we just have to wait and see who wins. I'll be back next week with the scores. In the meantime, be sure to check out the National Championship game tonight on ESPN (my favorite channel). The Notre Dame Fighting Irish (O-VER-RA-TED. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP CLAP CLAP!) vs. the Crimson Tide of Alabama (Bear Bryant coached here and Forrest Gump played here). My prediction? Bama 42 ND 13 (Lots of penalties and trash talking.) Enjoy the game RESPONSIBLY please. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice prediction on the national championship game tann man. Maybe you should team up with kige ramsey and have a debate.
