Friday, December 7, 2012

Finals- I didn't sign up for this!

Hello, Alden Library.  My name's Tanner.  I've been avoiding you all semester, but I just wanted to say hello and that, well, we'll be seeing A LOT of each other over the next week.

So, um okay?  I had nooooo idea finals would be this stressful.  Ugh.  Just to put this in perspective for you guys, On Monday, I have my pbio final.  Sounds easy right?  Wrong.  We have to memorize over 75 terms and write a 400 (repeat: 400) word essay on photosynthesis.  If that wasn't stress-inducing enough, my grade in that class is sitting at a basically anything below a B will drop my grade to a C, resulting in a winter break consisting of doing chores and not being able to play Modern Warfare for the Xbox 360 (thanks for understanding, dad ::sarcasm::).

Tuesday, well I don't even want to talk about Tuesday.  Two finals in one day.  I repeat: two finals in one day.  Athens, we have a problem.  I never agreed to this!  I'm almost caught up on Sons of Anarchy, and now it looks like I'm going to have to wait until Winter break to finish it.  FML.  At least the second final is I-ART 117, which is super easy (Yet completely boring. When am I ever going to use this stuff in the real world???)  I guess it's cool to be cultured about this stuff, though.  Caleb says it's good for me to expand my horizons, that's why he got his earring.  But seriously, I can't take this stress, you guys don't understand.  If anyone has any funny youtube videos they could post under the comments to help take my mind off of my week from H-E-double hockey sticks, I would greatly appreciate it.  At least I have the new Mumford and Sons album to get me through the week (mixed with my old school rap playlist titled thuglyfe.)

And then I don't have another final until Friday, which I guess is nice because I'll need those extra days, seeing as my final is in CALCULUS.  So yeah, Friday is basically judgement day.  Tangents, logarithms, integrals, absolute value...BOGUS!!!  Again, when will I never need to use this stuff in real life (maybe if I become a mathematician.  Let me calculate the odds of THAT happening.......ZERO out of a trillion!) Plus, I haven't been able to understand a thing my professor has said all semester.  He's from another country that I can't even pronounce and he barely speaks English.  WTF??? Sooooooooooo stressed.

I guess I should just stop and realize how lucky I am to be in college in the first place.  I've been afforded the opportunity of a lifetime.  Not a lot of people in the world have the chance to do what I'm doing, so I'm gonna give it everything I've got.  YOLO (you only live once.)  So I apologize to everyone if I'm not on top of my game with my blogging over the next week or so.  Good luck to everyone on finals and if I don't see ya, have a nice holiday (Xmas, Hannukah, doesn't matter to me!)

Question of the day: What would you rather do, go through a week of finals or have a wrestling match with the Incredible Hulk?